Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yes! Organic opens east of the river.

Congress Heights on the Rise and And Now Anacostia are both reporting that the new Yes! Organic Market is opening on Pennsylavnia Avenue in Ward 8. This new organic market is opening in DC today in the most impoverished ward of the city. The location will attract people from nearby Capitol Hill and Hillcrest and I feel like it will be a success.

Those of us who can afford organic foods were driving across the city to go to the organic stores. Now residents will have the option of picking things up closer to home. This is an excellent development and chain stores need to take notice. We need more access to fresh food in the neighborhood organic or not.

But what about those who are lower income or who rely on public transportation? Access isn't just about location it's also about affordability. I doubt that Yes! will do anything to really impact their access because sustenance should not feel like a luxury. People may still have to travel long distance to healthier food they can afford or continue to frequent the subpar options that are close by. It's not that poor people don't understand nutrition they just have more pressing matters to deal with first.

I appreciate that the owners of Yes! are investing in areas of DC that really need it. They were given a grant from DC Government to the tune of 900,00 to do so. This should also bring a few jobs for residents east of the river. Despite the bigger issues to contend with, this new store is over all a net positive.

Erika of the Black Girls Guide to Weightloss has a great post up today about making the switch to organic. Please read it and follow the links to find out more about making the switch and why it's worth it. My household is trying to switch to all organic foods and save money while doing it. That's a privilege and a luxury that I have. I've switched about 50% of the stuff to organic but food access issues where we live make it an inconvenience. I personally buy my produce from a coop where the organic prices are 70% less than the store. It's even cheaper than conventional. However, if I can't make my co-op delivery I will spend my money at Yes! .

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